What Printer Should I Buy for MICR Check Printing?

One of the most frequently asked questions we get from our customers is what printer(s) we recommend for best results in check printing.
Our team has identified certain guidelines to follow when purchasing a printer for MICR check runs:
Dedicate one printer for your check printing needs. This allows you to maintain ideal settings.
Ensure the printer has at least two trays. That way you can print checks on the first tray, and overflows or remittances on the second.
Optimal speed: 45 pages per minute (ppm) or more for quick turnaround.
Printing volume: 5,000 pages per month and up.
Output capacity: 400 sheets and up.
While we’d love to try every machine out there and provide detailed comparisons, that’s an impossible task. But through in-house testing, we have specifically found the HP M607dn model to perform wonderfully and produce professional results.
The HP M607 series is generally considered fast, reliable, and even energy efficient! The speed rating is higher than our advised minimum at 55 ppm. The recommended monthly volume of 5,000 to 20,000 pages and output of 500 sheets means you’ll have the capacity you need.
Less robust printers that do not meet these specifications may struggle with thick, perforated check stock, so don’t take your chances!
If you’re looking for high-quality MICR toner and blank check stock/envelopes for check printing, we recommend ALTEC. Contact Altec directly at 877-201-2005 (Reference - Mekorma) or email at mekormaorders@altec-inc.com.