Keep Control On the Go
You need the right people in your organization to approve outgoing payments. But what happens when they're busy, traveling, or working remotely?
A huge bottleneck. Late payments. Missed discounts.
Keep your payment cycle on track with the convenience of Power Approvals. Our mobile application gives approvers the power to review and approve transactions anywhere, anytime.
- Approvers do not have to log in to Dynamics GP
- Approve from mobile devices
- Integrate with Payment Hub and Dynamics GP security rules
If you're an Approver, this app is for you. Power Approvals puts the control in your hands, wherever you go.
If you're a Controller, set up your separation of duties. Your approvers can now approve whether or not they have GP access.
AP Specialist
If you're an AP Specialist, breathe a sigh of relief. No more waiting for your Approver to get back to their desk.
Secure and integrated approvals
Power Approvals works with Dynamics GP and Mekorma Payment Hub to extend your AP workflow.
Built in the cloud using the Microsoft Power Platform, users no longer have to depend on a Dynamics GP desktop client. Instead, approvers can view transactions for all companies on a phone, tablet, or browser.

Add Power Approvals to the Mekorma Payment Hub so you can:
Stay in control with easy verifications and encrypted data for ensured security
View invoices in the app with GP DocAttach or an integration to your document management system
Access all transactions for one or more companies on a unified screen
Review, approve or reject payment transactions without logging into GP
Speed up the payment cycle
See how one company shortened their payment cycle by 75%.
Praise for Power Approvals
Our customers love the convenience and speed of our mobile approval application.
The Payment Hub allows you to configure delegation rules for approvers.
Power Approvals integrates natively with Dynamics GP's DocAttach.
If your company has an external document management system and your approvers want to review invoice images right in Power Approvals, we can create a document bridge.
Currently, we integrate with:
1. Kwik Tag
2. Papersave
3. On Base
4. Square 9
5. Metaviewer
If your system is not on this list, contact us and we can develop an integration for you.
Mekorma Power Approvals is built on four layers of security.
As part of Power Approvals security-conscious design, your data is never stored in the cloud. We rely on Microsoft On-premises Data Gateway’s built-in security infrastructure to enable secured communications between your Dynamics GP SQL server and the Power Approvals app.
For more details, read this blog.
Your business will need the following:
1. A Mekorma Payment Hub license.
2. A subscription to the Power Approvals product.
3. A Microsoft Power Apps subscription from Microsoft. The Power Apps subscription model offers per-app, per-user or pay-as-you-go plan.
*Please note -
You do not need to buy an additional GP license for a user who only plans to use Power Approvals. They will need to be set up as a User in GP for security/approval parameters, but they will not ever need to access GP for the approval process.
You can set up as many Users in GP as you want. The number of licenses you own determines the number of users that can access the program at one time.
Complete Technical Requirements.
See complete pricing details here.
Resources for Power Approvals
Power Approvals requires Mekorma & Microsoft licensing.
Download the current version of Power Approvals.