Smooth Transition Ahead: Planning Your Move from Dynamics GP to Dynamics 365 Business Central with Mekorma

Sep 09, 2024 AP Best Practice

Ensure a Seamless Shift with Our Expert Transition Consulting Process 


Transitioning from Dynamics GP to Dynamics 365 Business Central has a lot of moving parts. At Mekorma, we’ve streamlined our consulting process to ensure a smooth and efficient transition of your Mekorma solutions. Transition consulting is included as part of the support plan we provide you. 

Here’s a high-level description of how we help you make the switch.  Please contact to start a case for this and we will guide you every step of the way: 


1. Run Support Assist 

Start by using the Support Assist tool in your Payment Hub. This generates crucial data about your current Dynamics GP setup and features. 


2. Upload Data Securely 

Upload the generated data to our secure site. This step ensures your information is protected as we prepare for the next phase. 


3. Data Analysis 

Our team reviews the data to identify the features you currently use in Dynamics GP. This analysis helps us map these features to their equivalents in Dynamics 365 Business Central. 


4. Transition Planning Call 

We schedule a call to discuss the results, compare your current features with those available in Mekorma solutions for Dynamics 365 Business Central, and outline the transition plan based on our findings.   


5. Choosing your Subscription 

Many of our clients are on a legacy licensing model and will need to choose a subscription tier when moving to Business Central. We will make sure you are up-to-date on all of the features included with each solution so that you can pick the right mix for your transition. 


Why Mekorma? 

  • Thorough Analysis: Ensures no important feature is missed. 

  • Customized Plan: Tailored to your specific needs and our capabilities on Dynamics 365 Business Central. 

  • Parallel Subscriptions: Your Mekorma subscriptions on Dynamics GP entitle you to concurrent subscriptions on Dynamics Business Central. 

Ready to transition? Contact us to start planning the move of your Mekorma to Dynamics 365 Business Central and make the process as smooth as possible. 


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